İnsan ve Sembolleri by C.G. Jung
İnsan ve Sembolleri by C.G. Jung

İnsan ve Sembolleri by C.G. Jung İnsan ve Sembolleri by C.G. Jung

Based on this curiosity, the article will address within its scope the definition of art therapy and its early roots, followed by discussion on the relationship between art therapy and spirituality with regard to six propositions. The ancient intertwined history of the relationship between art and spirituality as well as between spirituality and healing has aroused curiosity about the nature of the relationship between art therapy and spirituality. Art therapy also spread universally, from mummy’s ornaments in Egypt to Tibetan monks’ sand mandalas. Although art therapy’s emergence as a profession is relatively recent, the roots of using art for healing are as old as the symbolic rituals ancient cultures used in religious ceremonies. Art therapy is based on the idea that creative artistic processes facilitate repair and healing and is a form of psychotherapy where image creation and object usage are the primary forms of expression and communication.

İnsan ve Sembolleri by C.G. Jung