Collected Works, Vol. 2 by Velimir Khlebnikov
Collected Works, Vol. 2 by Velimir Khlebnikov

That is to say, a sharp division between form and content cannot be maintained and exclusive focus on grammar may be of limited help to the learner. Similarly, the content specialist who does not have an insight into the discursive element of the student's work may know when a piece of writing is inadequate, but may be unable to help the student progress or develop. surface, of seeing the symptom but not the cause of a student's difficulties. Dealing solely with the form, or structure of a student's text, leaving questions of content (and presumably, the student's understanding of that content) to subject or discipline lecturers, the language and learning adviser risks only scratching the. This thesis includes a number of detailed case studies of the Hylaean Futurists’ pre-war publications, rhetoric, illustrations, and performances in order to understand more comprehensively their inspiration, aesthetics, techniques, interpretation of revolution, and relationship with the socialists before the momentous revolutions of 1917.As Gordon Taylor pointed out in several seminal articles on our discipline, language and academic skills practitioners are faced with a dilemma.

Collected Works, Vol. 2 by Velimir Khlebnikov

By deliberately infusing their iconoclastic aesthetics of revolution into their writings, books, and performances, the Hylaeans slapped ambivalent and complacent Russians awake to the shameful conditions that existed in the empire’s antiquated political, social, and artistic systems. The Hylaean Futurists’ proposal expanded upon and differed from the Bolsheviks’ vision of revolution because it called for a three-tiered revolution that would encompass aesthetics in addition to politics and society. This project focuses on the most well-known group of Russian Futurists, Hylaea (sometimes also called the Cubo-Futurists), because its members developed unconventional aesthetics of revolution to spread their plan to the Russian public from the time of its founding in 1910 until the outbreak of the Great War in 1914. While scholars often focus on the Bolsheviks’ proposal of a two-fold socio-political revolution because this view prevailed in and after 1917, other organizations promoted their own interpretations of how to address Russia’s numerous troubles that offer insight into the era and the diversity of opinions that existed during this turbulent period. It identifies the primary problems of the late Russian Empire and how various groups sought to provide solutions to these troubles to help Russia become modern. This thesis examines the historical context in which Russian Futurism formed in 1910 in order to comprehend better this significant movement’s motivations, ideologies, aesthetics, and effects on subsequent literature, art, and politics, particularly those of Russia.

Collected Works, Vol. 2 by Velimir Khlebnikov