She has illustrated numerous books, including Waiting for Sophie by Sarah Ellis, Look at Me Now by Carol McDougall and Shanda LaRamee-Jones and Ride the Big Machines in Winter. Kallie George is a Vancouver-based writer for children whose books include the Heartwood Hotel series and Anne Arrives.

The ocean makes magical sounds - you just have to listen! (From Greystone Kids).Positive and gentle play with younger siblings Anne Arrives Kallie George US9.28 Add to basket Annes Kindred Spirits Kallie George US16.40 Add to basket Annes School Days Kallie George US13.41 Add to basket Annes Tragical Tea Party Kallie George US13.41 Add to basket Annes Tragical Tea Party Kallie George US9.

Mindfulness and empathy with the world around us.How to engage with nature in fun and respectful ways.The second book in the Sounds of Nature Series for young children, I Hear You, Ocean is an excellent resource for outdoor education and social-emotional learning, helping to teach: Kallie George Anne Arrives Septemin Anne, Early Readers Illustrated by Abigail Halpin Inspired by Anne of Green Gables The charming first book in a new early-reader series, starring the spiritedand outspokenAnne Shirley as she first arrives at Green Gables. 6 Total Resources View Text Complexity Discover Like Books Name Pronunciation with Abigail Halpin Grade 1-5 Genre Historical Fiction Year Published 2019. The charming first book in a new early-reader series, starring the spirited - and. When a child visits the ocean with his little brother, he whispers to him, "The ocean has lots to say, if you listen." Together, they hear wondrous things, like the rumble of pebbles tumbling and filling the beach with shiny gems, the bark of a seal playing peekaboo, and the whooshing of a shell murmuring messages. Anne Arrives by Kallie George and Abigail Halpin.